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Dead Meat

"In-yer-face and gloriously silly, 'Dead Meat' sends up everything from television hospital series to those plays where everyone turns out to be related to everyone else. A grossed-out fable, it's a satire both on blokeish attitudes to women and radical feminism. You're reminded not only of the cheerful terrors of 'Sweeney Todd', but also of Valerie Solanas's 'SCUM (Society For Cutting Up Men) Manifesto'."

~Aleks Sierz, WHAT'S ON


"an absurd, outrageous new farce... James Hyland pulls it off… surreal, funny and cathartically close to the bone, in a Dario Fo meets Mike Leigh meets Hale and Pace sort of way... 'Dead Meat' is not for the squemish... But if you like to watch good character actors sink their teeth into something dark, daring and utterly bananas, then go."

~Sara Abdulla, TIME OUT


"The play's plot weaves together some interesting themes - fatalism vs religion, logic vs chaos and the one common denominator in life, morality. A thoughtful and thoroughly refreshing black comedy."



© 1998-2024 James Hyland

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